8 Ways to Assess Your Risk
Clinical depression, commonly referred to as depression, is a condition that goes beyond normal feelings of sadness. It has various causes, and if you’re unsure or concerned about whether you might be at risk, medical experts recommend 8 ways to assess your vulnerability to clinical depression.
Depression seems to be on the rise in Thai society. If you think you might be feeling down or your spirits are low, it’s essential to examine yourself more closely. General symptoms of clinical depression often include:

Physical Symptoms:
- Significant changes in eating habits, rapid weight loss, or weight gain.
- Disrupted sleep patterns, either difficulty falling asleep or excessive sleeping.
- Experiencing bodily aches, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, fatigue, or a lack of energy.
- Increased smoking or alcohol consumption.
- Aggravation of pre-existing health conditions, such as elevated blood pressure.

Physical Symptoms:
- Significant changes in eating habits, rapid weight loss, or weight gain.
- Disrupted sleep patterns, either difficulty falling asleep or excessive sleeping.
- Experiencing bodily aches, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, fatigue, or a lack of energy.
- Increased smoking or alcohol consumption.
- Aggravation of pre-existing health conditions, such as elevated blood pressure.

Emotional Symptoms:
- Persistent anxiety and constant worry.
- An overwhelming feeling of sadness, often more profound than normal.
- Increased irritability and frustration.
- Restlessness and an inability to relax.
Cognitive Symptoms:
- Reduced concentration and difficulty making decisions.
- Intrusive thoughts or dwelling on the past.
- Self-criticism and feelings of worthlessness.
- Thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
These assessments are essential because clinical depression can affect people of all ages, including teenagers, adults, and the elderly. It is particularly prevalent in adolescents, especially those facing high levels of stress. Fortunately, depression can be treated and managed effectively, often through a combination of medication and psychotherapy.
You can also self-assess by using these 8 ways to answer questions about your daily life to determine if you are at risk of Clinical Depression Disorder
- Feeling physically weak and lacking motivation to do anything.
- Having thoughts of not wanting to live or exist frequently.
- Experiencing insomnia or oversleeping significantly.
- Feeling sad or irritable throughout the day.
- Noticing a decrease in concentration and difficulty making decisions.
- Suffering from self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness.
- Rapid and extreme changes in body weight.
- Losing interest in or experiencing reduced enjoyment of things around you.
If you recognize several of the symptoms mentioned above or are concerned about your mental well-being, it’s advisable to seek help and consult a mental health professional. Delaying treatment can lead to the condition worsening and have severe consequences for your life and those around you.
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