April 1, 2025
Culture Ticy Entertainment

Step Back in Time with “Pikul Kaew: The Musical” – A 120th Anniversary Celebration of Rajini School

Musical Theatre Event

For lovers of nostalgic musical theatre, Ticy City has an unmissable recommendation: Pikul Kaew: The Musical. This special production celebrates the 120th anniversary of Rajini School, hosted by the Rajini School Alumni Association to raise funds for the restoration of the historic Sunanthalai Building. Adding to the charm, audiences are invited to dress in traditional Thai attire, enriching the experience of the show.

Pikul Kaew: The Musical tells the story of a young girl named Pimjai, frustrated with the discipline at Rajini School. She embarks on a time-traveling adventure with Sarut, a student from Vajiravudh College, as they navigate life lessons across different eras. Produced by DREAMBOX, with a script by Daraka Wongsirich, direction by Suwandee Chakrarawut, and music by Suthee Saengserichon, the show is brought to life under the guidance of producer Tridao Apaiwong Sukhuma.

The cast features alumni and current students from Rajini School, Rajini Bon School, and Vajiravudh College, along with guest artists including O Anuchit Saphanpong, Trirak Rakkande, and Nadea Sonakul na Ayudhya. There will be three performances, scheduled for Friday, September 27, 2024, at the Nawamint Auditorium of Vajiravudh College.

The Story Behind the Musical
2024 marks the 120th year of Rajini School, which was founded by King Chulalongkorn and Queen Sri Bajrindra, the Queen Mother. To commemorate this milestone and honor their royal contributions, the Rajini School Alumni Association chose to tell the school’s story through musical theatre.

Pikul Kaew: The Musical reflects the educational vision of Kings Rama V and VI, who saw education as crucial for modernizing Thailand. Queen Sri Bajrindra, sharing this belief, focused her efforts on establishing schools for women, including Rajini School, founded on April 1, 1904. King Vajiravudh, continuing his father’s mission, established Vajiravudh College, emphasizing a modern, well-rounded education for boys.

This musical marks the first time Rajini School’s history, from its early days to the present, has been told on stage. The script draws from the memories and stories of former students, woven together into a captivating narrative that preserves the school’s rich heritage for future generations.

Purpose of the Musical
The primary goal of Pikul Kaew: The Musical is to raise funds for the restoration of the Sunanthalai Building. It also aims to honor the legacy of the Thai royal family, particularly Kings Rama V and VI, and the contributions of other royal figures who played a role in founding Rajini School, Rajini Bon School, and Vajiravudh College, providing equal educational opportunities for both men and women.

Beyond fundraising, the production is an opportunity to foster collaboration between the schools and to enhance students’ skills in performing arts, teamwork, and public communication. Working alongside professionals from DREAMBOX, a renowned theatre production company with over 30 years of experience, will provide students with invaluable insights into the world of musical theatre.

For more information, call 063-082-6613 or contact via Line: Pikulkaew.themusical.
#TicyCity #Bangkok #MusicalTheatre #PikulKaewTheMusical #RajiniSchool120Years #RajiniSchool #RajiniBonSchool #VajiravudhCollege #DREAMBOX


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